Explore mindfulness insights in our Learning Lounge.

“Knowledge isn’t power until it is applied.” — Dale Carnegie

Studies show that practicing mindfulness…

  • For individuals:

    • Lower stress, increased resilience and better health overall

    • Improved focus, listening and decision-making

    • Increased ability for creativity, collaboration and compassion

    • Better emotional regulation and more upbeat moods

  • For leaders:

    • Awareness of self and others, including a leader’s impact on others

    • Open-mindedness, perspective, curiosity and insight

    • Compassion for self and others

    • Effective and clear communication

    • Coaching self and others

    • Prioritizing “we” (caring for others, the collective)

    • Developing and empowering others

  • For organizations:

    • Improved retention

    • Improved engagement

    • Improved employer brand

Uncover the science, benefits, and practical strategies for mindful leadership excellence.

TED Talk: The Hidden Keys to Diplomacy

In 2016, Miriam completed a New York City-based TED Residency to explore the intersection of meditation and leadership in global problem-solving. Sharing her own journey from childhood, to diplomat, to self-described "meditation innovator", Miriam explores the potential for meditation to drive not only personal but global change, one mind at a time.

Brain Spa Guided Meditation

Our gift to you: a 10-minute guided mindfulness meditation practice. Reachers show that practicing mindfulness daily for 8 weeks literally rewires your brain for greater focus, emotional regulation, compassion and creativity.

Miriam Bekkouche meditating in a forest